What is Meant by the Term “Cannabis Poisoning”?

Consuming an excessive amount of cannabis all at once might lead to a condition known as cannabis poisoning. As a result of the fact that the effects of edibles (food or drinks containing cannabis) take longer to manifest themselves than those of smoking, edibles are more commonly used. People can consume more than they intended when they wait to experience the high.

Listed below is a summary of the most essential information on cannabis poisoning:


  • Inability to coordinate one’s movements
  • Muscle strength that has decreased
  • Hand stability that is diminished
  • Symptoms of postural hypotension include dizziness when standing up
  • Lethargy
  • Decreased ability to concentrate
  • Decreased speed of reaction
  • Speech that is slurred
  • An injection into the conjunctiva (red eyes)
  • State of confusion
  • Forgetfulness
  • False beliefs
  • Hallucinations
  • Severe agitation or anxiety


Cannabis poisoning often does not result in life-threatening symptoms; however, these symptoms can be pretty unpleasant and cause a significant amount of discomfort overall. Individuals who are experiencing severe cases may experience symptoms such as a high heart rate, vomiting, and even psychosis.

Children’s lower body weight makes them particularly susceptible to experiencing more severe symptoms.

Highly Dangerous Groups:

Users with less experience are more likely to encounter cannabis poisoning since they may not be aware of the levels of tolerance they have developed.

Children’s lower body weight makes them particularly susceptible to experiencing more severe symptoms and, thus, extremely sensitive.

Management of:

In the case of cannabis poisoning, there is no specific antidote available. In most cases, treatment consists of providing supportive care to manage symptoms until the effects of the medication wear off, which might take several hours. Hospitalization may be required in more severe cases.

Whether it be through inhalation or ingestion, the first step in the treatment process is to remove the individual from the situation in which they were exposed to the cannabis. Following the removal of the device, the individual should be constantly observed to ensure that their symptoms do not become more severe.

The most common therapy for cannabis poisoning is provided in the form of supportive care. Managing the symptoms of the disease until the effects of the condition wear off, which might take many hours, is involved in this process. Anxiety, paranoia, confusion, dizziness, and dry mouth are some of the symptoms that may be experienced on account of cannabis poisoning.

It is essential to bring to your attention the fact that the effects of cannabis can vary significantly from one individual to the next.

Supportive care may comprise supplying drugs to assist in managing the individual’s symptoms, providing the individual with a peaceful and quiet atmosphere to aid in relaxation, and providing the individual with fluids to prevent dehydration.

The need for hospitalization may arise in situations of cannabis poisoning that are particularly severe. The individual is more likely to be having hallucinations, seizures, or difficulties breathing if they are experiencing these symptoms.

In situations like these, the individual would need more intensive treatment, such as intravenous fluids, oxygen therapy, or even a mechanical ventilator to assist them in breathing.

It is essential to bring to your attention the fact that the effects of cannabis can vary significantly from one individual to the next and that some individuals may be more susceptible to the effects of cannabis than others. As a result of the fact that the potency of cannabis products can vary widely, it is difficult to estimate how intense the effects will be.

Because of this, it is essential to exercise caution when using cannabis products and to seek medical attention if you or someone else suspects that they may be experiencing the effects of cannabis poisoning.

Make sure you are aware of the strength of the cannabis product.

Elimination of:

  • Particularly when it comes to edibles, begin slowly and gradually.
  • Because edibles can take up to two hours to reach their full impact, you should wait at least two hours before taking more.
  • Make sure you are aware of the strength of the cannabis product that you are using.
  • Call the emergency services as soon as possible if you have any reason to believe that someone has overdosed on cannabis.

A Note of Importance:

These are basic guidelines, and the degree of effects might vary based on the individual as well as the amount of cannabis that is consumed. If you have any worries regarding the use of cannabis or the possibility of being poisoned, it is always better to contact a medical practitioner.

About Dominic E.

Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer forĀ ContentVendor.com