Numerous studies are currently being conducted to investigate the effects of different light spectrums on the production of cannabis, and the effectiveness of red light intensity in terms of quality enhancement is a developing field. This is a balanced perspective on everything we have learned up to this point:
Increased red light intensity may have the following potential benefits:
The flowering stage of cannabis growth depends on the presence of red light, which has a wavelength of approximately 660 nanometers. Red light can encourage the formation of buds, which could increase flower density and production. According to the findings of specific studies, increasing the intensity of red light within a particular range may have the potential to amplify these effects.
Increasing the Need for Research:
Optimal Levels: Although red light is necessary, additional study is needed to determine the intensity that represents the highest level of effectiveness for quality improvement. If there is an excessive amount of red light, there may come a point where the benefits begin to wane or even adverse consequences such as light stress.
Range Balance: Cannabis plants would likely benefit from a balanced range of light wavelengths, not simply red. Additionally, blue light is essential for vegetation growth and other physiological functions. Ongoing research is being conducted to determine the perfect combination of red, blue, and possibly other wavelengths for the highest possible development and quality of plants.
Experiments with Intercanopy Lighting:
Research Conducted Recently: Several recent studies have investigated the effects of increasing the intensity of red light, particularly in inter-canopy lighting, which refers to the illumination within the plant canopy. These research results have not demonstrated significant differences in yield or potency when larger quantities of red light were utilized.
Shifting the Focus: The research findings indicate that when it comes to inter-canopy lighting, it may be more necessary to optimize the overall light intensity (which includes both red and other wavelengths) than just concentrating on increasing the maximum intensity of the red light.
Raising the intensity of red light might have some positive effects.
In general:
Even though raising the intensity of red light might have some positive effects on the quality of cannabis, it is probably just one piece of a much larger puzzle. It is essential to note the following:
Focus on Spectrum Balance: It is likely more important to provide a balanced light spectrum that includes appropriate red and possibly other wavelengths than to maximize the amount of red light.
Research is currently being conducted: additional studies are required to discover the red light intensity that is the most effective for improving the quality of cannabis.
All light intensity should be considered. Regarding inter-canopy lighting, it may be more necessary to optimize the entire light given (including red and other wavelengths) than to simply optimize the intensity of the red light.
To optimize your grow light strategy, it is essential to remember that speaking with experienced cannabis farmers or horticulture specialists knowledgeable with the most recent studies can sometimes be advantageous. They can assist you in considering aspects such as the plant strain, the stage of growth, and the overall growing environment to generate the light spectrum most appropriate for your cannabis plants.