Showing 75 Result(s)

How Cannabis is Superior to Cigarettes

While most smokers think cigarettes harm their health, marijuana users are more optimistic about their advantages. Less obvious are the effects of marijuana on the human body. The medication has fewer damaging effects on the brain and immune system, is less harmful to the lungs, and is less toxic. Less Damaging to the Lungs A …

Marijuana and Cannabinoids

Cannabis contains cannabinoids, which are present in plants. They are in various proportions in the cannabis plant’s leaves and flowers. Cannabinoids and flavonoids are abundant in inflorescences, making them suitable for therapeutic use. For example, each ginkgo leaf and Chemovar III contains 0.4% flavonoids. Terpenoids and sterols are also found in cannabis stems, bark, and …

Cannabis Jargon if You’re New to Marijuana

You should have a basic command of a few cannabis-related terminologies before beginning. Pound, jar, pack, and joint are commonly used in cannabis slang. A “hit” describes inhaling cannabis, which varies depending on consumption. One “hit” equals one drag off a joint or puff on a vape pen. Cannabis Drug Slang It may be very …

Does Cannabis Have the Potential to Treat Dementia?

As of right now, there is no evidence that cannabis can be used to treat dementia. There has been some research that suggests that cannabis may help manage some of the behavioral symptoms of dementia, such as agitation and aggression. However, additional research is required to confirm these findings and to determine whether or not …

Marijuana Smoking Effects Driving

In a 2015 research, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) discovered that drivers who tested positive for marijuana were twice as likely to be involved in a fatal collision as drivers who were not impaired. The study compared accident rates of drivers who tested positive for marijuana to those who did not. It used …