Cardiovascular Issues Resulting from Chronic Cannabis Use

It’s crucial to remember that some people, such as those with a history of high blood pressure or cardiovascular illness, may be more susceptible to strokes as a result of cannabis usage. Individuals who use cannabis should be aware of these dangers and take precautions to lower them, such as keeping an eye on their blood pressure and abstaining from cannabis smoking, which can worsen cardiovascular and pulmonary damage.

Numerous cardiovascular issues have been connected to long-term cannabis use, including:

Elevated blood pressure and heart rate: Smoking cannabis can elevate blood pressure and heart rate for a few hours following as well as right away. The risk of a heart attack and stroke may rise as a result.

Atherosclerosis: The accumulation of plaque on the artery walls caused by atherosclerosis is a disease that cannabis can aggravate blood vessels and contribute to. As a result, the heart and other organs may receive less blood, and the arteries may constrict.

Arrhythmias: Cannabis can cause ventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation, two irregular heart rhythms. These arrhythmias carry a risk of sudden death, stroke, and heart attack.

Myocardial infarction, or heart attack: Using cannabis has been associated with a higher risk of heart attack, particularly in young individuals. This is probably because cannabis affects blood pressure, heart rate, and blood vessel function.

Stroke: Research has indicated that the use of cannabis may have negative consequences on the cardiovascular system, one of them being a higher risk of stroke. It’s been discovered that the active ingredients in cannabis, primarily THC, temporarily raise blood pressure and heart rate. Gradually, this elevation in blood pressure can cause harm to blood vessels, culminating in atherosclerosis or the hardening and constriction of the arteries.

Cardiovascular Issues

Furthermore, cannabis usage can influence blood coagulation, which facilitates the formation of blood clots. A blood clot that develops in a blood artery that supplies the brain can stop blood flow and result in a stroke. Even if there is not much of a risk associated with cannabis usage, those who take the substance often nonetheless worry about stroke.

Ultimately, even if cannabis offers a lot of potential advantages, it’s still necessary to be aware of the hazards and take precautions against them. Consult a medical professional or a cannabis specialist if you are worried about how cannabis may affect your health.

It’s vital to remember that heavy and frequent cannabis users have a more significant chance of developing cardiovascular issues over the long run. Additionally, it is more common in those with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiovascular disease risk factors.

See your doctor if you’re worried about the possibility of cardiovascular issues as a result of cannabis use. They may offer advice on how to lower your risk and assist you in assessing it.

About Dominic E.

Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer forĀ